Today we drove around the northern loop in Yellowstone. We were able to go on the Blacktail Plateau Rd, which up until now had been closed every time we went by it. We walked the trails in the Norris Geyser Basin, in the perfect 70 degree sunny weather. On our way home, we spotted a group of elk by the Madison River. All in all another great day.

View from a stop along the Plateau Rd. Very quiet and we could see forever.

Another view from Plateau Road.

One of the many geysers in the Norris Geyser Basin.

Steam vents (fumaroles) at Norris.

Hot spring at Norris. This walk really works the nose with a variety of smells.

More fumaroles

A very noisy hot spring. You could hear the water gurgling to the surface.

Looking down on the Norris Geyser Basin.

A male elk. Must be difficult to walk through the woods with that large rack.

The bull elk after one of the females in his 'harem'. September is breeding season.

Guess they spotted us across the river.

A bugling elk. Looks like he's scratching his back.

The Madison River where we spotted the elk pictured above.

These fly fishermen are right across the river from the elk.