During our stay here near Wickenburg, we have been doing a little exploring. It's wonderful having friends with similar interests we can share things with. All these were taken in and around our camping spot.

Petroglyph on the side of a rock we spotted on one of our walks with Doug and Terry.
Female hummingbird, either Rufous or Allen's. It's almost impossible to tell the difference. If the male had visited us, it would had made identification easier.
Another shot of our little, 3" visitor.
Gila Woodpecker sitting in the Mesquite next to our rig, looking back at us.

Spring in the desert.

Close up of Hedgehog Cactus bloom. The soft flowers on the cactus make an interesting contrast.

Our friend Tom looking through a natural window in the rock. We hiked up here from our rigs, to locate a geocache with Tom, Dayle, Doug and Terry. It was an interesting walk as we have to weave around the cactus and be ever watchful for rattlesnakes.

View from the rock window looking back at our camping area. If you look really close you can see our rigs. They are the three white spots near the center.