Monday, February 11, 2008

From Hondo to Dallas, TX

Our stay in Hondo was a combination of chores, remodeling and participating in park activities. The rig got a spring cleaning, sorting through cupboards and donating items we no longer need or use. We took out our dinette and put in a table and chairs. Larry used the materials from the dinette to build some cabinets on either side of our chairs in the slide out. They look like they were built in when the rig was made. When in the park, we attended social hour at 4:00 pm which gave us a break from chores and the opportunity to meet members of the park and visitors. The last week in the park, we were judges for a chili cook-off. It was a new experience for us and very enjoyable. There were 12 entries, so our palates got a work out.
On our departure day our truck didn't want to start and when we were almost here, we lost the back brakes on our truck. Maybe it's a sign! We did get underway and stopped at the Wal-Mart in Hondo to get a new battery. The traffic on the back roads from Hondo to Dallas is doing a good job of cutting down on the skunk population. It was a very fragrant ride. (No pictures needed.)
We are staying at Lewisville Lake Park which is 18 miles from the mall. We could have stayed closer, but it's nice and quiet and peaceful here.
Pictures in the next couple of days.

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