Saturday, May 3, 2008

Zion National Park Part 2 of 5

Today we hiked to the three emerald pools. The first two pictures are from the Lower Pool.

The trail can be very slick and wet when the wind blows the water coming down from the middle pool.

The water comes down in various places to the Lower Pool.

Part of the trail from the Lower to the Middle Pool.

The Middle Emerald Pool

On the way from the Middle to the Upper Pool.

The next three are from the Upper Emerald Pool.

The pool which is brown this time of year instead of emerald green.

The water comes through the two cracks on either side of the rock high above the pool.

The walls around part of the upper pool.

The next four are from the hike back down along the Kayenta trail.

A face carved out of the sandstone.

A different way of looking at the canyon walls.

A very small lizard and a large caterpillar whose paths cross.

The river below where the end of our trail is.

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