Sunday, November 30, 2008

Workamper Thanksgiving 2008

Living on the road full time, special days take on a different look than they had when we lived in a house. Sometimes we are near family and they are more traditional, but mostly we spend them with other travelers who have become our second family. Some years we have gone out to a restaurant with friends who are in a similar situation. We enjoy a good meal, companionship and laughter. This year we are part of a large group of workampers, some of which we knew before and others whom we met here. The employment agency we work for arranged for a Thanksgiving dinner for us. They provided the location, many pounds of turkey and ham and beverages. Each one of us provided a dish to share. Not everyone was there, as the amazon facility was open and some opted to work all day. We just worked the morning so we could attend the mid-day meal. We had a wonderful time and a variety of delicious food. We were home in time to call our children and visit with friends. We certainly have much to be thankful for.

The food table extended across the large room.

Our 'second family' enjoys a meal together.

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