Friday, January 2, 2009

Our little piece of Texas

We are now the proud owners of a 'little bit of Texas'. This last summer, our name got close enough to the top of the list at the Lone Star Corral, which enabled us to purchase a lot. This is one of the Escapees RV Club Co-op parks, near Hondo, Texas. Our visits here will vary in length, depending on what else is going on in our lives. This year we will only stay a short time as we want to travel to the desert southwest while the price of gas is this low. Future winters when the costs of travel are higher, we can stay put longer. Our main purpose now is to sort our RV so we can leave items in our shed that we don't need with us all the time. As you can see, there are some wonderful plants here, which we are in the process of learning how to care for. They are certainly different from anything we grew in our gardens in New York State. After we get them trimmed, we will post new pictures.
For those of you that like data, the lot is 50' X 70'. Our shed is 8' X 14' with a 10' X 14' porch. There is a 6' X 10' concrete pad for our wheels to park on and a 10' X 46' concrete patio with a sidewalk out to the park road.

Our shed

Nice large patio with plenty of privacy on our porch.

Better view of our untrimmed plants.

Beautiful stained glass we received from our favorite daughter.


Tom & Nancy Doyle said...

Hey Larry and Claudia,

Congrats on the new lot. Your rig looks better on it than ours did! Enjoy it. Did you learn to play Hand and Foot yet? See you at Q.


Nan and Tom

Bobbie and Jim said...

Your new home lot is very pretty. Very nice photos. Enjoy your travel to Q...hope it stays warm.
Love from sunny Florida.
Jim and Bobbie